Press Releases
2 July, 2024
Climate Application Forum Held in Islamabad
The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), in collaboration with the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES), is pleased to announce the successful organization of the Climate Application Forum held on 02nd July 2024 in Islamabad. This event brought together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders from various sectors to discuss innovative strategies and applications for climate resilience and disaster risk reduction.
The forum commenced with an insightful keynote address by Dr. Muhammad Afzaal, Chief Meteorologist, PMD, who emphasized the critical need for enhanced climate services and innovative applications to mitigate the impacts of climate change. While the Chief Guest Lt. Gen. (Rted.) Nadeem Ahmad, Advisor, RIMES highlighted the collaborative effort needed to tackle climate change and extreme weather events.
Mr. Sahibzad Khan, Director General of PMD, stated, This forum marks a significant milestone in our efforts to integrate cutting-edge climate science with practical applications. By partnering with RIMES, we are committed to advancing our capabilities in early warning systems and fostering a culture of preparedness and resilience in the face of climate change.
Ms. Ruby Rose Policarpio, CARE Component 1 Project Director, RIMES, added, The collaborative spirit demonstrated at this forum is a testament to the importance of international cooperation in tackling the global challenge of climate change.
The forum featured a series of presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions focused on the latest advancements in climate science and sustainable practices. This event was supported by World Bank and Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CARE).
The Climate Application Forum concluded with a commitment to ongoing collaboration and the development of actionable strategies to address climate-related challenges. PMD and RIMES extend their gratitude to all participants, speakers, and partners for their invaluable contributions to the success of this event.

14 June, 2024
UN FAO and PMD - signing LOI on Droughts and Floods
Islamabad, June 14, 2024 – The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) have taken a significant step towards enhancing the country's resilience to droughts and floods by signing a Letter of Intent (LOI) today. This collaborative effort aims to develop and implement anticipatory actions to mitigate the impacts of droughts and floods on vulnerable communities and agricultural sectors in Pakistan. LOI is to support the highly exposed and vulnerable people in Pakistan to forecastable hazards through anticipatory humanitarian action through the projects supported by DG-ECHO, “Increasing Capacities and Scale for Anticipatory Action, including through Social Protection Systems” and “Pakistan-Integrated Disaster Preparedness (DP) for Resilience Building”. National Drought Monitoring and Early Warning Center (NDMC) and Flood Forecasting Division (FFD) of PMD, agreed to work collaboratively in improving early warning systems, through data sharing and mutual capacity development, that is an essential pillar of anticipatory action to help prepare at-risk communities, and to facilitate the activation of anticipatory action protocols ahead of an anticipated crisis.
The signing ceremony, held at the PMD office in Islamabad, was attended by key representatives from both organizations. Ms. Rolle Florence, FAO representative in Pakistan, and Mr. Mahr Sahibzad Khan, Director-General of PMD, signed the LOI on behalf of their respective organizations. Addressing the signing ceremony, Ms. Florence Rolle, appraised the efforts of PMD team and for informative droughts/floods monitoring products, advisories and alerts to stake holders, media and public. Mr. Mahr Sahibzad Khan thanked to FAO Team for their trust in PMD and wish to serve in the same spirit for the nation. PMD and FAO have already developed different protocols for the droughts/floods early warning and anticipating action triggers.

20 March, 2024
Pollen observed in Islamabad/Rawalpindi
Due to seasonal increase in temperature, the Pollen concentration has started to escalate rapidly in Islamabad/Rawalpindi. It is informed that pollen concentration will further increase in coming days. The peak of Pollen concentration is expected in Islamabad/Rawalpindi during last week of March 2024. During the existing weather condition in next two weeks, the Pollen concentration intensity is expected to spike, rapidly. People suffering from pollen allergy are advised to take the precautionary measures, accordingly.
The most abundant pollen types in Islamabad are Paper Mulberry, Acacia, Eucalyptus, Pines, Grasses, Cannabis, Dandelion and Alternaria. Out of all these species, Paper Mulberry shares about 97% of the total pollen count, and its concentration touches the extreme limits of around 45,000 per cubic meter of air, during the peak of the blossom season. PMD will continuously publish pollen concentration data throughout the pollen season (March – April) on its website (website: ) and print/electronic media on daily basis. Public may contact at following phone numbers for information; 051-9250745, 051-9250364 and 051-9250369 or email at for queries in this regards.

22 February, 2024
International Workshop on “Droughts over Pakistan in the Changing Climate”
On the kind instructions of honorable Mr. Mahr Sahibzad Khan (Director General), Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), in collaboration with The Islamia University Bahawalpur, has successfully concluded a Two-Day International Workshop on “Droughts over Pakistan in the Changing Climate”. This significant event, initiated by National Drought Monitoring and Early Warning Centre (NDMC) of PMD, Islamabad, and hosted by the International Centre for Climate Change, Food Security & Sustainability (ICCFS) at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB), aiming to address critical issues related to drought dynamics in the region. For the very first time in the history a workshop dedicated to the subject of the drought has been conducted by PMD.
Distinguished personalities such as Dr. Ehtasham Anwar, Commissioner of Bahawalpur Division, Prof. Dr. Abdur Rauf, Acting Vice Chancellor of IUB, Dr. Sardar Sarfraz, Chief Meteorologist of Pakistan Meteorological Department, Islamabad, Pakistan, and Dr. Syed Faisal Saeed, Director & Coordinator of the International Workshop (NDMC), alongside other renowned researchers, scientists, and professionals, graced the occasion with their presence.
In his keynote address, Dr. Ehtasham Anwar, Commissioner of Bahawalpur Division, reiterated the need for climate change education and advocacy within society. He emphasized the conservation of nature for sustainable ecosystems, drawing inspiration from the poetry of Parveen Shakir. Furthermore, Dr. Ehtasham Anwar shared insights from his tenure as Secretary of Education in South Punjab, highlighting efforts to develop climate change curriculum for seventh-grade students. He showcased the "Children Green Book," aimed at explaining various climate change phenomena to children through engaging stories.
The main objective of holding this international workshop was to bring together the leading scientists and researchers from different governmental and non-governmental organizations working on the subject of droughts. This workshop also provided a platform to the stakeholders working in the field of water resources, agriculture, disaster management authorities, NGO and INGOs. Number of scientists hailing from all over Pakistan, including IWMI, ICIMOD, academia, Future Water, FAO etc., presented their cutting edge research on different aspects of drought and related issues. This workshop resulted in building the capacity and developing the networking among the scientist and stakeholders.
The workshop's agenda, spanning over two days, featured a comprehensive exploration of various aspects related to droughts and their implications within the Pakistani context amidst a changing climate. Sessions included presentations, discussions, and group interactions led by experts in the field.

28 December, 2023
Ground Breaking Ceremony of Weather Surveillance Radar at Multan
The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) achieved a significant milestone today with the groundbreaking ceremony held at the radar site in Nawabpur, Multan. Presided over by Mr. Sahibzad Khan, Director General, PMD, this event marked the commencement of a transformative project aimed at advancing the nation's weather forecasting capabilities. The attendance of key officials includes the representatives from the International Meteorological Consultants (IMC) and Tobishima Corporation. Chief Meteorologist, Flood Forecasting Division Lahore, Director RMC Lahore and Director Planning PMD were also present at the occasion.
The groundbreaking ceremony follows the recent Contract Agreement signed with the Consortium of Japan Radio Co., Ltd. (JRC) and Tobishima Corporation. The collaboration is set to install a state-of-the-art dual-polarization Weather Surveillance Radar in Multan, leveraging cutting-edge technology for improved weather and flood forecasting.
The project has overcome challenges that persisted over the past five years, a testament to the dedication and efforts led by Director General Mr. Sahibzad Khan. The initiative not only signifies the technological progress but also highlights the resilience of the PMD in the face of adversities.

21 December, 2023
Pakistan Meteorological Department Signs Landmark Agreement for Cutting-Edge Weather Surveillance Radar in Multan
Islamabad, 21 Dec 2023 — The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) is proud to announce a historic achievement with the signing of the Contract Agreement with the Consortium of Japan Radio Co., Ltd. (JRC) and Tobishima Corporation for the installation of a state-of-the-art dual-polarization Weather Surveillance Radar in Multan. This achievement is a testament to the unwavering efforts of Director General PMD, Sahibzad Khan, who has diligently worked to overcome obstacles that stalled this project for the past five years. The signing ceremony took place on December 21, 2023, in Tokyo, Japan, marking a significant milestone in strengthening the nation's weather forecasting capabilities. The signing ceremony was attended by esteemed dignitaries, including Mr. Mir Hassan Naqvi, Senior Joint Secretary Aviation Division, Mr. Sahibzad Khan, Director General PMD, Dr. Muhammad Tahir Khan, Director P&D, PMD, representatives of JRC, JICA and International Meteorological Consultants (IMC). It is noteworthy to highlight that this project faced delays due to the impact of COVID-19 and subsequent inflation over an extended period. However, the dedicated and effective efforts of DG PMD, Mr. Shahibzad Khan, have successfully transformed this challenge into a reality, paving the way for advancements in weather and flood forecasting through the installation of the Weather Surveillance Radar in Multan.
This collaboration under the JICA grant-in-aid project underscores the commitment of the Pakistan Meteorological Department to advancing its weather forecasting capabilities. The installation of this cutting-edge radar system is not only a technological leap forward but also a crucial step in improving the resilience of vulnerable communities. The enhanced forecasting capabilities will allow for more accurate and timely warnings, mitigating the impact of adverse weather conditions. The total project cost is estimated at PKR 6188.759 million, with a generous grant of PKR 5604.000 million from the Government of Japan. The Government of Pakistan will contribute PKR 600.055 million to ensure the successful implementation of this transformative project.

15 December, 2023
Commemoration of 50th Anniversary of the WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones (PTC) – A Seminar “Tropical Cyclone & Tsunami Threat to Pakistan Coast and our Preparations”
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the PTC, PMD in collaboration with SEGMITE, Society of Economic Geologists and Mineral Technologists, and PSF, Pakistan Science Foundation, organized a seminar titled “Tropical Cyclone and Tsunami Threats to Pakistan's Coast and our Preparedness” on 13 Dec 2023 at Pearl Continental hotel, Karachi. Dr. Sarfaraz, Chief Met, Karachi presented the welcome address and briefed the audience on purpose and importance of the seminar. DG PDMA, Sindh, Syed Salman Shah, chief guest appreciating the seminar organizers effort said that holding of such activity to sensitize stakeholders is very timely. He briefed about his department’s preparation from disaster management to disaster risk management and disaster risk reduction approach. DG-PMD in his speech briefed the audience about PTC’s background, its activities and collaboration amongst the member countries and contribution in TC forecasting & early warning. He emphasized that in pursuit of the WMO’s EarlyWarning4All initiative, PMD, NDMA/PDMAs and all stakeholders should work hard to expand the existing early warning system (EWS) to the last-mile recipient so that the potential hydromet-induced damages are minimized. Prof. Dr. Viqar Hussain, the SEGMITE convener in his address highlighted the various activities SEGMITE is carrying out at national level across Pakistan to promote scientific and research culture. Mr. Kanwar Waseem, the provincial secretary, Pakistan Red Crescent Society, Sindh, in his address emphasized that a hydromet advisory/early warning would become a success story when it is timely disseminated to the last-mile recipient of the vulnerable community and put into action to avoid or minimize the losses. The presenters from PMD, Academia and Civil Society delivered the presentations on Tropical Cyclone, Tsunami, sea-level rise, sea water intrusion, marine pollution and other potential coastal hazards for Pakistan coast. The learned speakers highlighted that climate change-induced increase in TC intensity and Tsunami vulnerability owing to Makran Subduction Zone warrant an immediate, foolproof and robust preparedness & response system to minimize the potential damages. Representatives from Pakistan Fisher Folk Forum (PFFF), Pakistan Navy, Balochistan Coastal Development Authority, Pakistan Red Crescent Society and other stakeholders actively participated in panel discussion forum and group exercise and presented their recommendations to make a robust preparedness & response mechanism for minimizing the potential damages. At the end, Mr. Zubair Ahmed Siddiqui, Director-PMD presented the vote of thanks.

9 October, 2023
نیشنل ہائی وے اتھارٹی کی محکمہ موسمیات کے زلزلہ پیما مرکزکوئٹہ میں مداخلت
نیشنل ہائی وے اتھارٹی/(NHA) واپڈا(WAPDA)نے محکمہ موسمیات کوپیشگی اطلاع کیے بغیر پاکستان کا سب سے پرانازلزلہ پیما مرکز( کوئٹہ: قائم شدہ 1954 ) گرا دیا ہے۔
جس کی وجہ سے زلزلوں کی پیمائش کا نظام بری طرح متاثر ہو گیا ہے۔ محکمہ موسمیات کو زلزلہ کی اطلاع دینے میں دشواری کا سامنا ہے۔

23 September, 2023
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) and the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) and the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IEECAS) was signed on September 21, 2023 in Beijing. Mr. Sahibzad Khan, Director General PMD and Dr. Yaohua Li, Director, IEECAS signed the MoU. During the MoU signing ceremony the two sides discussed in detail the implementation plan of the MoU. Four members delegation led by DG PMD is on official visit to China.
The purpose of the MOU is to initiate and promote the establishment of a VLF/LF lightning detection network in Pakistan to improve the lightning warning capability of PMD and to reduce the casualties and property losses caused by lightning disasters.
Mr. Khan Muhammad Wazir, Science Counsellor, Embassy of Pakistan in Beijing and Prof. Tianhua Hong, Executive Director, China- Pakistan Joint Research Center on Earth Sciences witnessed the signing of the MOU.
Addressing the signing ceremony of the MoU, Mr. Khan Muhammad Wazir, conveyed congratulation and good wishes of H.E., the Ambassador towards the cooperation partners and shared that the Embassy of Pakistan in Beijing will provide all possible support in the implementation of the MoU. Prof- Tainhua Hong, while addressing the ceremony, expressed satisfaction over the growing and results oriented STI cooperation between the two countries and hoped that the instant cooperation will bring the two brotherly countries more close and connected.

10 January, 2023
Inauguration Ceremony “Rainwater Harvesting for Groundwater Recharge in Islamabad” site at PMD premises H-8/2, Islamabad
An inauguration ceremony for the project of “Rainwater Harvesting for Groundwater Recharge in Islamabad” was held with the attendance of Honorable Chief Guest, Captain (Retd.) Muhammad Usman Younas, Chief Commission/Chairman Capital Development Authority (CDA), Islamabad, Dr Muhammad Ashraf, Chairman, Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), Mr. Sahibzad Khan, Director General, Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) and Sardar Khan Zimri, Deputy Director General, Water Management, CDA, Islamabad.
The honourable guests were welcomed by Mr. Sahibzad Khan, Director General, PMD along with the senior officers of PMD. Director General, PMD appreciated the project and emphasis such a project should be launched in the rest of the urban cities of Pakistan to mitigate the challenges of climate change on groundwater depletion/recharge. The chairman, PCRWR briefed about the importance and design of the project. The Deputy Director General, Water Management (CDA), briefed about the other rainwater harvesting sites and installation challenges in Islamabad. The Chief Guest appreciated the efforts made by CDA and PCRWR. Later on, the rainwater harvesting site for groundwater recharge was inaugurated by the Chief Guest. The ceremony ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. Zahid Rafi, Chief Meteorologist, PMD.
The honourable Chief Guest thanked the Director General, PMD for their warm welcome and hospitality. Director General, PMD thanked the Honorable Chief Commissioner/ Chairman CDA, Islamabad for sparing valuable moments and acknowledging the role and services of PMD.