Wind generated electric power out put at Gharo has been estimated by using the 600kW wind turbine Bonus 600/40 MK IV type. The cut-in wind speed of turbine is 3m/s and cutout wind speed is 25m/s. Rotor diameter is 44 meters and hub height has been taken as 50 meter. The monthly and annual wind generated electric power out put at Gharo-Sindh along with capacity factor are given in Table-1a, b and the month-wise hourly wind power output is given in the Appendix. The minor differences between the output electric energy shown in Table-1a & b and in Appendix are due to calculations on monthly and hourly basis respectively.
Table-1: Hypothetical wind generated electric energy output & capacity factor for a Bonus 600/44MK IV turbine at Gharo (Year-2002)
The wind turbine specifications are given below in Table-2 & 3. Table-2: Wind Turbine Specifications
Table-3 Wind Turbine Specifications
Note: Towers are manufactured as a lattice tower or a tubular tower. Towers are always manufactured in at least two pieces for assembling at the site. The heaviest part is not weighing more than 20 tons. Using the measurement of wind data the annual energy production by an 18-MW farm consisting of thirty-600KW turbine will be about 45 million kWh. Taking into account the wind turbine availability, net loses and wake effect in the wind farm, the net annual energy production is estimated 31 million kWh per year, corresponding to a capacity factor of 28%. It is important to note that the wind does not blow all the time. Since typical storage is not possible other fuel sources are used when the wind is not blowing.
Pakistan Meteorological Department WIND ENERGY PROJECT A Project funded by Ministry of Science & Technology |
Energy Production from Wind |